The Mid Missouri Strategy Gamers Society is a group based in Columbia, Missouri dedicated to the hobby of strategy gaming and is open to all interested game players. This site provides a brief description of our activities. For more information, use the links on the toolbar above.


Prior to the Covid pandemic the weekend Society meetings normally held on two Saturdays of each month at the Columbia Library, starting shortly after 9:00am. They were intended to accommodate games that take more time than available in an afternoon or evening, such as "Here I Stand" or one of the 18XX family of games. The players who participated on a regular basis rotated in proposing a game for each meeting, which they commit to bring and/or lead. For a long period during the pandemic meeting rooms at the Library were closed. During this time Saturday games were played at Charlie Ward's house. This allowed games to be played every Saturday without the need to make reservations well in advance. As a result, Saturday gaming has continued on this basis.


These are games like "Puerto Rico", "Goa", "Saint Petersburg", "Settlers of Catan", or comparable games that can be completed in an afternoon. Again, these games are being played at Charlie Ward's house on Tuesdy afternoons. Like the Saturday games, players who participate on a regular basis rotate in proposing a game for each meeting, which they commit to bring and/or lead.

For information on specific gaming dates for either type of game, use the Contact Us link on the toolbar above.

Useful links:
Boardgame Players' Association
Train Gamers Association